Lip Scrub-a-Dub

Tell me if this has ever happened to you. Getting ready for a night out. You start putting on your favorite lipstick, but there's a big problem. It's not gliding on smoothely. You lean in for a closer look in the mirror when you notice the flakes. Sorry girl. You've got a case of crusty lips. I know you didn't think it could happen to you. In the winter months you smear on Carmex to keep your lips from getting chapped. But the dryness has still crept up on you. There's no time to run out to Sephora to grab a remedy. You need a quick fix. Well I got you, boo. DIY lip scrub to the rescue.

I'm a huge fan of lip scrubs like Fresh Lip Sugar Polish or Bliss Fabulips, but sometimes you can't get it or you don't want to spend the money. I totally feel you. That's when you whip up something all on your own. There's no need to run out to the grocery store. For this little concoction you'll need a few items from your kitchen and a couple from your medicine cabinet:

Brown or refined sugar
Maple syrup
Orange slice
Coconut butter or oil (whatever's in your cupboard)
Vitamin E oil

Just a little disclaimer... this recipe isn't exact. First take about three heaping spoons full of sugar. Then add my beauty miracle go-to coconut butter or oil. If don't already know, coconut products cleanse the skin of bacteria, are packed with antioxidants, and contain fatty acids that seal in moisture. Za-zing! Next pour in a little maple syrup. This may come as a surprise but 100 percent pure maple syrup is full antioxidants too and can help reverse the signs of aging. Squeeze some orange juice into the mix. The vitamin C will help wake up your skin. Drop in the vitamin E oil which you already know is essential for keeping your skin youthful. Now stir until the mix is sort of crumbly. I added in a little more maple and coconut oil so mine is more like a lip drizzle.

Get ready for the fun part. Grab an old toothbrush. Dip it into your little mix. Now get to scrubbing. It's ok if you get messy with it. Unlike some of the lip scrubs on the market, this one is completely edible. And boy is it delicious! Just like you brush your teeth, scrub in a circular motion. The brushing should reinvigorate your dry lips and remove all the flakiness. Rinse and then pat dry.

Feel how smooth and soft your lips are after that. Your mouth will still be moisturized from the coconut oil and vitamin E. Ooo la la. So kissable. Now you should have no problem wearing your favorite lip color without fear of it crusting over. Enjoy!


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