The Audition

Ever been to a casting or an audition? Some of them can be super quick and easy, while others can be long and frustrating. Every actor or model has a horror story about his or her worst audition ever. From personal experience, some of my absolute worst auditions have been jobs that I've really wanted to book. The ones where you go above and beyond to do what the director asks so that he'll know you're a go-getter. Oh what an embarrassment that can be.

I've literally been at a few callbacks where clearly the director was bored, because there's no way in a normal situation he or she would have asked us to do some of the things that we did. I've tap danced, done crazy suicide exercises, and witnessed a full-on strip tease dance-off at a casting session. When things like this happen, you'd like to think it's an isolated incident. But it's really not. We all deal with it in different ways: I blog about it, others suppress their feelings, and some like filmmaker Celia Rowlson-Hall make a video about it. Genius!
I was at the South By Southwest festival when I saw this film. Afterwards, I wanted to give Celia high fives, fist pumps, and awkwardly long hugs of encouragement. "The Audition" completely nailed that over-the-top casting experience. I wish I could say this may never happen to you, but if it does at least you'll be prepared. Sometimes wanting something bad enough will only make you act like an idiot. Take note, kids, and good luck.

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